Brochure Design
The Event! in house creative and design team develop high quality commercial publications for use as souvenir brochures, event programmes and corporate brochures.
Previous campaigns include:
- Teenage Cancer Trust Concert
- 6 Day Racing
- Hans Zimmer
- T4 on the beach
- Jeff Beck
- Aha
- Diamond Jubilee
- Live Earth
- Jingle Bell Ball – Capital Radio
- Summertime Ball – Capital Radio
- Pavarotti at the Royal Albert Hall
- Hotel 55 & Q Spa
- Olympic Torch Concert
- Big Brother
- Pavorotti Leeds Castle
- The Three Tenors Worldwide
- Formula One in Regent Street
- Bear Grylls
- Dan tDM
- Katherine Jenkins
- Rebecca Ferguson
The Event! Creative in-house graphic designers and web experts produce outstanding creativity ranging from effective web shops to full colour souvenir programmes