Environmental policy


The senior management of Event Merchandising has defined the Event Merchandising Environmental Policy as follows:

Event Merchandising Limited strives to protect the environment by ensuring the sustainable sourcing, transport, use and disposal of its products.

This Environmental Policy provides a framework for our company to continually improve our activities and operations to prevent pollution, promote responsible sourcing and tackle climate change. The policy also translates the core aims and beliefs of the organisation into objectives and guidelines for action, which will inform and minimise the significant impacts of our work.

Event Merchandising will strive to:

  • Adopt the highest available environmental standards in all areas of its operations, surpassing legal compliance where possible.
  • Minimise the use of all resources and energy
  • Minimise waste production in all areas of the organisation.
  • Purchase ethically sourced products for use in the organisations’ operations.
  • Influence client’s procurement decisions to minimise environmental and social impacts
  • Adopt a transport strategy that takes environmental impacts into account.
  • Aim to include environmental and ethical considerations in investment decisions.
  • Expect similar environmental standards from any partners involved in our work.
  • Publicise our environmental position.
  • Encourage employee involvement in environmental action.
  • Assess the environmental impact of all its operations on a continual basis.

Event Merchandising recognises its responsibility for environmental and socially sound business practices. Event Merchandising encourages employee, supplier and partner involvement in supporting this aim. Event are members of SEDEX and ISO14001

EVENT! partners with contractors who share our commitment to best practices and continuous improvement in:

– Management practices that respect the rights of all employees, including the right to free association and collective bargaining

– Minimizing our impact on the environment

– Providing a safe and healthy work place

– Promoting the health and well-being of all employees

Contractors must recognise the dignity of each employee, and the right to a work place free of harassment, abuse or corporal punishment. Decisions on hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, termination or retirement must be based solely on the employee’s ability to do the job. There shall be no discrimination based on race, creed, gender, marital or maternity status, religious or political beliefs, age or sexual orientation.

Wherever EVENT operates around the globe we are guided by this Code of Conduct and we bind our contractors to these principles. Contractors must post this Code in all major workspaces, translated into the language of the employee, and must train employees on their rights and obligations as defined by this Code and applicable local laws.

While these principles establish the spirit of our partnerships, we also bind our partners to specific standards of conduct. The core standards are set forth below.

Forced Labor
The contractor does not use forced labor in any form — prison, indentured, bonded or otherwise.

Child Labor
 The contractor does not employ any person below the age of 16 to produce apparel, accessories or equipment.. To further ensure these age standards are complied with, the contractor does not use any form of homework for Event production.

The contractor provides each employee at least the minimum wage, or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher; provides each employee a clear, written accounting for every pay period; and does not deduct from employee pay for disciplinary infractions.

The contractor provides each employee all legally mandated benefits.

Hours of Work/Overtime
The contractor complies with legally mandated work hours; uses overtime only when each employee is fully compensated according to local law; informs each employee at the time of hiring if mandatory overtime is a condition of employment; and on a regularly scheduled basis provides one day off in seven, and requires no more than 60 hours of work per week on a regularly scheduled basis, or complies with local limits if they are lower.

Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H)
The contractor has written environmental, safety and health policies and standards, and implements a system to minimize negative impacts on the environment, reduce work-related injury and illness, and promote the general health of employees.

Documentation and Inspection
The contractor maintains on file all documentation needed to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct and required laws; agrees to make these documents available for Event or its designated monitor; and agrees to submit to inspections with or without prior notice.

The Event! Merchandising Clothing Policy:

Event! are increasingly aware of our customers growing concerns in the way in which garments we supply are manufactured.

It is our objective to ensure that all of our suppliers demonstrate high standards of Ethical Trading.

Event! believe strongly in protecting the legal, ethical and moral rights of workers in European and 3rd world countries. We will not knowingly trade with any supplier who does not comply with all laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.

Event! will not condone or permit any supplier to use prison/forced or child labour and will not knowingly use any supplier who employ children under the legal employment age within that country.

List of Source Countries:

Brazil, Bangladesh, China, United Kingdom, Egypt, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Morocco, Mongolia, Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Tunisia, Tanzania, Taiwan, Turkey, Thailand, U.A.E, U.S.A, Vietnam…

Almost everything we sell at Event! is manufactured in developing countries. It’s important for us to ensure that our customers are aware of and are confident in our policies regarding Ethical Trading.

We insist that our suppliers have strict formal procedures in place to continually inspect factories, making sure Ethical Employment Practices are implemented and ensuring they are regularly and effectively reviewed.

Suppliers’ policies are structured around the following fundamental points:

  • Legal and Ethical Standards
  • Wages and Benefits
  • Working hours
  • Child labour/ prison forced labour
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Discrimination
  • Health and Safety
  • Environmental Requirements
  • Rights of inspection

We have contacted a number of our suppliers and we are pleased to quote from their replies.

“ We have been taking this matter seriously for the last 10 years and that is why our shirts are all approved by the main retail stores in the UK” from JERZEES.

“ All factories are visited at least twice a year and are encouraged to obtain a certificate for quality ISO 9001” from PREMIER.

“ JT’s Corporate adheres to a strict fair trading policy and expects all its suppliers to support and uphold these beliefs” from JT’S.

“ We at Henbury believe in supporting our factories in 3rd World Countries in trying to better living and working conditions for the people” from HENBURY.

“ All of our suppliers need to be in compliance with all our Sara Lee Supplier guidelines before they can start working for us” from HANES.

“ Result Clothing Company’s code of conduct has been established to ensure that working standards and basic human rights are respected in accordance to local laws, the ILO declaration and its conventions” from RESULT.

“ It is the policy of Fruit of the Loom to only purchase goods from suppliers and contractors that observe the laws of the land at all times and those who show willingness to emulate Fruit of the Loom’s standards of Business Integrity and Ethics’ from FRUIT OF THE LOOM.

“ Mantis World Ltd recognises its responsibilities to workers and the conditions under which its products are made. These responsibilities extend to all workers producing products for Mantis World” from MANTIS.

“ We have signed letters from each supplier regarding under age labour and visit factories unannounced at least four times a year” from KUSTOM KIT.

“ Glenmuir suppliers must adhere to all Government legislation in the country of domicile covering legal minimum age, hours of employment, salary levels and health and safety” from GLENMUIR.

“ The company does not and will not tolerate the use of child labour or allow workers to be employed in conditions that do not at least meet the local minimum legal standards” from RUSS.